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Effective Approaches to Marketing Crypto Companies in 2022

Blockchain technology continues to soar in the modern market, with more and more companies jumping on board as time goes by. The bearish appetite for all things crypto is as strong as ever, and the brands that can learn how to make the most of it could be in for a long and exciting ride. 

Understanding the ins and outs of marketing crypto companies in 2022 and what works best is the key to unlocking your business’s full potential. Brutal Marketing is a crypto marketer; working with all blockchain projects to optimize their marketing strategies and help them reach their potential. Now, we want to provide you with a few tips on making things work for you and your brand.

What Is a Crypto Marketer and How Can They Help Your Business?

First of all, let us explain what exactly it is that we do. As crypto marketers, we work closely with projects and their teams to maximize their outreach, traffic, and impact on the market. In an industry as fast-moving and competitive as cryptocurrency, staying on top of your game is essential for survival. 

Our approach to marketing cryptocurrencies is about personalized promotion, data tracking, and customer-boosting strategic planning. By working with us, businesses ensure they have every angle covered and never miss out on an opportunity to grow their profile and improve their brand awareness. 

Can Crypto Companies Promote Themselves Independently?

Many business owners ask themselves if hiring a professional marketing company is really worth it. Can’t we do all this ourselves? While a lot of project owners have great minds for promoting the brand they care about and are passionate about their industry, running a full-scale promotional operation can detract from the day-to-day essentials. 

marketing crypto companies

Things you can do as a business owner to help promote your crypto company successfully include:

  • Keep it simple: Cryptocurrency is a confusing concept for beginners, and if they don’t understand you, they will never trust you. 

  • Network wisely: Building the right connections within your industry is a must. In addition to a professional marketing campaign, business owners should be actively engaging with their community and seeking opportunities to build relationships. 

  • Be interactive and engaging: Getting an audience is only half of it- you need to keep them interested so that they don’t look towards your competitors. Communicate with your consumer base and share your crypto passion. In this competitive market, only the project owners that connect may succeed in the long run. 

The Best Ways to Market a Crypto Company

Taking these steps is not enough for marketing crypto companies in 2022. Although these things can help you maintain what you have worked so hard to create, it takes more structure and planning to get to where you want to be.

Working with professional crypto marketing experts at Brutal Marketing is the best way to find the perfect tailored solution for you and your project. We understand the importance of standing out: the crypto crowd is pretty big, after all. Our varied strategic approaches are tried and tested, and ready to take you to the next level. 

Here are some of the key methods used in modern crypto marketing campaigns. 

PR Campaigns: How to Successfully Build and Promote a Brand

The way the public sees you and your company is make or break. Taking charge of your public relations early in the process helps you shape your image and secure a lasting impression of the brand you want to share. A successful PR campaign targets the right audience and gets your message out how you want it to be heard. 

Some of the ways we do this include:

  • Positive media engagement

  • Educational PR 

  • Content sharing

  • Strong brand advocacy

  • Authority building through respected channels

Crypto Bounties and Airdrops: Boosting Your Business Buzz

Who doesn’t love an incentive? Bounty campaigns and airdrops are two sides of a shiny marketing coin- crypto coin, to be exact. They both work on the principle that everyone loves getting something for free and may pay attention to a platform offering them a bonus. 

Bounties are rewards for helping promote a company, whereas airdrops are free giveaways to everyone who signs up. Users can earn by completing promotion activities, such as sharing social media links or rating the project online. You can offer a free coin airdrop to all new users to incentivize them to create an account. 

Affiliate Marketing: Broadening Your Audience through Valuable Connections

Affiliate marketing is essentially professional-grade networking. Working with affiliated brands and business owners to further spread your project’s promotion is a great way to reach a wider audience quickly. It works similarly to influencer marketing but does not require major status. Anyone can be a valuable affiliate if they are trusted and respected within their industry and have an audience that values their opinion. 

Crypto Influencer Marketing: What Is It and How Does It Work?

The 2020s is the decade of the influencer. Anyone with a mobile device, internet connection, and social media account can try their hand at gaining influencer status, meaning they amass enough followers to become a valuable voice for promotional purposes. 

With crypto marketing, the trick is to work with the right people. They need to have a follower base, sure, but they also need to be relevant to your brand. There are many crypto influencers out there and other names within the tech industry that can add value to your campaign, but you need to choose wisely. The idea is to get them to mention your project- usually with a mutually beneficial financial agreement. 

Establishing connections with the influencers that can make a difference can be tricky, which is where your marketing experts step in to assist. 

Where to Promote a Crypto Company

The internet is a vast place. Places for crypto companies to promote themselves are almost endless, but here are a few worth beginning with:

  • Social Media: Access a mammoth international audience for almost no cost. Choose your platform wisely and coordinate your approach from one to the other.

  • On a Professional Website: Establish a trustworthy and appealing base for your project on your own website. It adds credibility and makes people more likely to take you seriously. 

  • Through Reputable Publishers: Promote in places your audience is likely to be. Stay on topic and focus on the publishers whose voices you would listen to. 


There are many ways to approach marketing a crypto company. Finding what works best for your brand takes time, patience, and expertise. Speak to a professional crypto marketer through Brutal Marketing and take your brand to the next level. 

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